September 21, 2024 21:34 WAJ
International Day of Peace on September 21, was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981. It is a day dedicated to honoring world peace, consolidating ideas of peace, calling for an end to war and violence and is an opportunity to organize temporary ceasefires in war zones.

International Day of Peace/World Peace Day on September 21, was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 1981, in a resolution supported by the United Kingdom and Costa Rica.

This is the opening day of regular sessions of the United Nations General Assembly. It is a day dedicated to honoring world peace, consolidating ideas of peace, calling for an end to war and violence and is an opportunity to organize temporary ceasefires in war zones, so that the forces humanitarian aid to fulfill their mission. Opening this day, the peace bell rang from the United Nations Headquarter in New York, USA.

This year, after the International Day of Peace Conference, after the bell rang from the UN in Vienna, WAJ would like to acknowledge the voices of peace-loving people from all parts in the world:


International Day of Peace, UN in Vienna, 20/9/2024. (Photo: WAJ)

* Dr. Patrick Horvath, Director of Austrian Lazarsfeld Society, Social Scientist and Philosopher (Austria):

Currently there are at least three regional crises - namely Ukraine, Middle East and Taiwan - that have a nearly unlimited global escalation potential. Weaponry gets deadlier through technological progress and it is no exaggeration to say that at this very moment humanity is endangered.

Every statesman, journalist, man or woman of science, civil servant, no matter what professions one has, is obliged to help in every way possible to cure humanity from the disease of war. The remedy is dialogue which should under no circumstances be rejected or given up. You do not make peace with friends, but with enemies. You can stand firm in your values and still be open and friendly to your negotiation partners.
Peace sometimes requires compromise, which is not a sign of weakness but of insight. No economic or territorial gain can morally justify the immense human suffering caused by war. If you believe you are in a position of power you must know that this can change over time and in today's world it is realistic that you will be held responsible for your actions sooner or later.

The nature of power has shifted in the 21st century and does not lie with military or territory like in the past, but with economy, science and communications, all of which can flourish best in a condition of peace. If you want to make your nation great, you must be the last one to start an armed conflict and the first one to end it.


Dr. Patrick Horvath, Austria. (Photo: Character permitted)

* Master Luay Alkayyali (Kuwait):

I hope that we will strive, more than ever, to encourage compassion and promote human rights for all. Enough of wars and racism. Let us live in a world full of love, humanity and education.


Master Luay Alkayyali, Kuwait. (Photo: Character permitted)

* Business woman Pham Minh Huong (Lao’s):

In the International Day of Peace, I think not only me and all people around the world want to live in peace and happiness. No violence, no war!


Business woman Pham Minh Huong, Lao’s. (Photo: WAJ)

*Mr John Herzog, Vice President of the Austrian Journalists Club (Austria):

Please, please tell the trust and believe the power of love and peace worldwide !


Mr John Herzog, Austria. (Photo: WAJ)

* Ms Sylvia Liebisch, President of the POPULARIS e.U:

On this Day of Peace, I want to remind everyone that peace begins with each of us! It starts with how we behave, how we live, how we perceive the world, and how we treat and value one another. Much of the responsibility for fostering peace lies in our hands—within our families, our communities, our countries, and beyond. Let’s take meaningful steps together towards creating a more peaceful world.


Ms Sylvia Liebisch, EU (Photo: Character permitted)

* Grandmaster Abdul Mannan (Bangladesh):

No war. No killing men. Only World peace & peace.


Grand master Abdul Mannan, Bangladesh. (Photo: Character permitted)

* Journalist Mobin Ganatschnig, (Iran), Owner and Publisher of Highsociety Magazine (MOBINS HIGHSOCIETY AD):

Jealousy between people should be overcome so that all people can form friendships and support each other, even in difficult times.


Journalist Mobin Ganatschnig, Iran (Photo: Character permitted)

* Actress Rita Luksch, Grammy-Winner Georg O. Luksch:

We wish that humans all around the world live in peace. Art and music helps to bring people together, to bridge cultural differences.


Actress Rita Luksch, Grammy-Winner Georg O. Luksch. (Photo: Ensemble21)

* Financial expert, Devin Howard (USA):

War - an eternal topic, haunting many people, families broken, houses destroyed, children deprived of happiness, it takes many years to heal the "heart wounds" after the war, restore infrastructure... We need to know what is the root of the problems. People not kind to each others, jealousy, greedy instead of love and care for each other. As a parent of 2 beautiful children, we talk to our children about peace of the world, teach them to show more kindness. The world would be a better place when we treat people more kindness, more humanity and civility. People created racism, it is not right, we are all more alike than different, we are all have the dreams. Wars effected to everyone in the world, effective to the economy, culture, politics….etc… As many people, I was experienced the war, there are no winners, only regrets and sorrows, witnessing the devastation left by war, I dream of a day when our world is no longer at war, everyone is peaceful, happy...

Financial expert, Devin Howard (USA).jpeg

 Financial expert, Devin Howard, USA. (Photo: Character permitted)

*Businessman Thirumurthy (India):  

The current world needs peace and happy with every single man to whole world. But we didn't starts with from single man. We just talk about country leaders and ambassadors. No country in the world didn't get peace, because of proper education about our life with nature and the unibersal beings...  We born. We live, finally we dead. But our education system didn't teach the kids: How to get inner peace, what is life, what is nature, what is universe, how it's related with human. So we must teach in our education system the nature of human. We teach yoga, we teach meditation on schools for become a good peaceful mind set persons for their future. Peace first came our self first then our home, our city, state, country then whole world. If we follow this link, we should surely create a peaceful world on our future.

Thirumurthy, India.jpeg

Businessman Thirumurthy, India


Writer To Hoai is famous for his book De Men Adventure Ky (1941) written for children. Currently, "Crickets" have traveled all over the world. The story has been translated into many languages and published in many countries around the world. He is likened to the Andersen of Vietnam.


At first glance, she doesn't stand out when standing next to her Asian girls, I become more and more in the middle European women. Yet, people like look at you, especially like to peek, every time you say, or every time she laughs. Asian-style face Dong, round black eyes that can talk, the corner of his mouth when also fresh. Long, silky black hair, clear voice, Standard and flexible pronunciation even when I speak the language German and Vietnamese.

