June 29, 2024 13:43 WAJ
It is important to highlight that the relationship between South Korea and Vietnam today is broad in scope, varied in form, and profound in implementation. Indeed, the two nations share a strategic partnership in the true sense of the term. A WAJ reporter had a chance to interview Vietnam's ambassador to South Korea, Ambassador Vu Ho, regarding the country's long-standing diplomatic ties in honor of Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's visit to Seoul from June 30 to July 3, 2024.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his wide in the visit to South Korea. Photo: VNA

Ambassador, over the past three decades, Vietnam and Korea have grown from a comprehensive partnership in 2001, to a strategic partnership in 2009, and to a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2020. Can you please elaborate on this friendly relations between the two countries?

Ambassador Vu Ho: Diplomatic relations between countries are not usually measured in years or months, but rather need to be assessed based on the achievements made throughout the historical course of the relationship. However, milestones still have very special meanings, marked by decisions and commitments made by the parties to each other. Decisions to upgrade bilateral relations are therefore marked by different names.

Similarly, the relationship between Vietnam and South Korea, which dates back centuries, has reached its current high level through various stages, including favourable conditions. The last three decades have been especially crucial. These are milestones in the overall relationship between the two countries, transitioning from a comprehensive partnership to a strategic one and finally to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Thus, the Vietnam-South Korea relationhip today can be summarised in three words: profound in content, diverse in form, and comprehensive in implementation. Indeed, it is a comprehensive strategic relationship in the true meaning of this word.


Ambassador Vu Ho (on the left) and the Vietnamese community in Korea are welcoming Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (on the right) and his wife during their visit to South Korea. Photo: VNA

What is the role and position of South Korea in Vietnam's foreign policy?

Ambassador Vu Ho: The characteristic of Vietnam's foreign policy in the current period is symbolized by the 'bamboo tree': having a firm base, a straight trunk, and flexible branch. To achieve this, multi-faceted, diverse, friendly, and equal relationships with friends across the five continents are particularly important.

South Korea is located in Northeast Asia, which is a crucial location in various aspects. It is also a country that shares many parallels with Vietnam, particularly in terms of history and culture, and places a high importance on Vietnam and ASEAN, indicating a willingness for win-win cooperation. It fully deserves a special place in Vietnam's international relations.

Furthermore, this position has been built and strengthened over more than 30 years, and has now developed into a comprehensive strategic partnership. Continuing to develop it is very appropriate in terms of favorable timing, geographical advantages, and harmonious human.

Currently, according to press statistics, South Korea ranks first in foreign direct investment, second in ODA capital aid, and third in trade volume with Vietnam. Conversely, Vietnam is a key partner in implementing South Korea's foreign policy in Southeast Asia and its Indo-Pacific strategy. These results demonstrate the high level of trust that the two countries have for each other.

Ambassador Vu Ho: Perhaps 'trust' is an accurate word to describe the Vietnam-South Korea relationship today. The statistics mentioned in the question show that the level of trust between the two countries in political-security and economic-commmerce aspects is already very high

The trust between the two countries is no longer limited to their bilateral relationship, but has reached to the international and regional levels. For many years, the two countries have worked closely together in all international and regional forums, including the ASEAN framework and the United Nations. All of these initiatives are directed at the same goal: to create a peaceful, stable, and sustainable development environment that will serve as the foundation for each nation's development.

It should also be noted that Vietnam has been the coordinator of ASEAN-South Korea relations over the past 3 years. Through this coordination, South Korea's image has been strongly spreading within the ASEAN community, and ASEAN has gradually become an integral part of South Korea's foreign policy.


Vietnamese Ambassador in South Korea Vu Ho. Photo: from character

According to historians, Vietnam and South Korea have had exchanges dating back 1000 years. There's a saying that “crossing rivers in the same boat, traveling paths on the same horse.” Subsequently, leaders of both countries have highly valued and followed this tradition to build increasingly close Vietnam-South Korea relations. Regarding the high-level visit of Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh to South Korea from June 30 to July 3, 2024, what is the purpose and significance of this visit?

Ambassador Vu Ho: The high-level visit of a country's leader to another often carries multiple messages and implications, marking the beginning of new processes. This Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's visit to South Korea from June 30 to July 3, 2024, is particularly significant.

This is the first high-level visit since the two countries agreed to upgrade their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership in December 2022. Therefore, this event encompasses profound meanings, opening a new chapter for the Vietnam-Korea relationship, which has been developing over the past 30 years and is currently thriving. The outcomes of this visit serve as a catalyst for bilateral relations, paving the way for deeper, broader, and more advanced developments in the years ahead.

In fact, since the relationship was upgraded in December 2022, many sectors, municipalities, enterprises, and citizens have actively increased exchanges and collaboration. This visit of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will provide an opportunity for both parties to analyse, evaluate, and recommend next actions in improving the broader Vietnam-Korea relationship.

Furthermore, the success of this official visit sends a message to the regional and international communities about both countries' determination to improve exchanges, promote cooperation, and strengthen ties between Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia for peace, prosperity, and long-term development in the Asia-Pacific.

Clearly, with these implications, there are high hopes for this visit. It demonstrates increased trust between the two countries, creates new trade prospects, and expands potential for people-to-people interactions and learning. Furthermore, through a variety of activities organised in South Korea, this visit provides an opportunity for leaders at all levels to listen to the ambitions and desires of the community and friends from South Korea towards Vietnam.


Prime Minister Pham Minh Chianh and Ambassador Vu Ho met Vietnamese community in Korea. Photo: VNA

According to you, what are the issues posed for the diplomatic relationship between the two countries in the near future?

Ambassador Vu Ho: The relationships between countries are often vast, encompassing many factors including politics, security, economy, culture, and society. During development, disagreements and conflicts inevitably arise. The scope of an answer of an interview may not suffice to describe or delve deeply into all these details.

Therefore, it may be best to emphasize a few key aspects in addressing differences and disagreements.

Firstly, trust is essential. International relations cannot thrive without trust. This trust is built on harmonizing interests, cultivated over many years with firm commitments. I believe that between our two countries, trust has been developed over three decades, currently being upheld at a very high level and across a broad spectrum.

Secondly, dialogue is critical. As previously said, international relations will face challenges. The most important element is that both sides recognise the concerns, be willing to participate in open communication, and find solutions to reconcile interests for mutual benefit, growth, and people's rights. I believe that through dialogue, conflicts may be resolved peacefully and successfully.

Thirdly, conformity to laws and regulations is critical. Laws, whether desired or not, continue to be the primary and most important tool for settling conflicts. Upholding the laws and being willing to apply them, particularly international laws, are critical tools for resolving emerging disputes. This region will also be critical for Vietnam and South Korea to further expand their relationship in the future."

The achievements above demonstrate the vision of the leadership and the heartfelt sentiments between the people of the two countries throughout their long history, especially the significant contributions of over 200,000 people living, studying, and working in each other's countries, and nearly 10,000 South Korean businesses operating in Vietnam. As you take on the role for the first time as ambassador to South Korea, what plans do you have to continue maintaining and developing political and people-to-people diplomatic relations between the two countries?

Ambassador Vu Ho: People have always placed central postions in all national activities. International interactions are no exception, as they all aspire to benefit humanity. In the context of Vietnam-Korea relations, this has been, is, and will continue to be true.

The first Vietnamese settlers landed in Korea a thousand years ago. They helped to create and defend their new nation, becoming an important component of the Korean community. The Vietnamese community in Korea is now thriving, with members involved in all aspects of Korean society and making important contributions. The strong and growing connection between the peoples of both countries is visible, with over 200,000 Vietnamese living and studying in Korea and over 80,000 marriages between Vietnamese and Koreans.

However, it is important to recognize that such connections cannot endure without nurturing and paying more attention. To sustain this “fire”, fundamental and long-term measures may be necessary.

Firstly, cultural identity. Vietnamese cultural identity needs to be promoted and expanded in Korea. Alongside festivals and diverse community activities, efforts should focus on building a community rooted in cultural heritage, regularly oriented towards their homeland while contributing to their second homeland.

Secondly, the environment. A suitable setting for studying, living, and conducting business will promote progress. This requires assistance from both the Korean and Vietnamese systems. Regular meetings, exchanges, and collaboration will establish “nurseries” for Vietnamese communities, integrating Vietnamese spirits deeply into Korean society.

Thirdly, future orientation. If the development of relations is seen as a “broad avenue” education serves as the guiding path. Proper investment and attention to education will ensure future generations stride confidently on chosen paths while preserving their Vietnamese identity.

With this understanding, the Vietnamese Embassy in Korea strives to be a “lighthouse”, instilling trust and guiding Vietnamese aspirations. This light, ignited 30 years ago, continues to shine brightly amidst the evolving relationship between our two peoples.

Thank you very much Ambassador!

Seoul, 29/6/2024

Writer To Hoai is famous for his book De Men Adventure Ky (1941) written for children. Currently, "Crickets" have traveled all over the world. The story has been translated into many languages and published in many countries around the world. He is likened to the Andersen of Vietnam.


At first glance, she doesn't stand out when standing next to her Asian girls, I become more and more in the middle European women. Yet, people like look at you, especially like to peek, every time you say, or every time she laughs. Asian-style face Dong, round black eyes that can talk, the corner of his mouth when also fresh. Long, silky black hair, clear voice, Standard and flexible pronunciation even when I speak the language German and Vietnamese.

